Stock PHOTO collaboration with Diego Martin Photo
What fun that you are here. Below is the information about stock photos in general and how I work with this more specifically.
What are stock photos?
Stock photos are photographs and videos licensed for specific uses (such as sports, work, lifestyle, family, travel, food, medicine, etc.) The licenses are usually sold by a image agency. Examples of stock photo platforms are Shutterstock, Adobe stock, Alamy and Getty Images. The licenses are purchased through these platforms by companies around the world, which then use the images in their marketing.
What are the requirements?
1) No visible logos on clothing or other objects in the photoshoot. Logos must be avoided, covered, or hidden. The same applies to visible tattoos, artwork, or prints.
2) All models in the pictures must sign a model release the day of the shoot (model contract). A model release is required for me to be able to forward the images from a photoshoot to the stock agencies. This is so that they will know that they can legally resell the images without objections from the models on the image. If you are underage, I will require parental consent.
3) All private properties in the picture (apartments, houses and artwork) must also sign a release signed by the owner/creator.
what do i get as a private person or company?
The main benefit is financial savings. The average cost for a photoshoot is around 3600kr for a 1-hour session with approximately 10 final photos. With this collaboration, there is no cost to you, and all selected photos are included.
how can i use the images?
You can exclusively use the images for your own marketing and promotion. However, you are not permitted to give or transfer the images to other companies or tag other brands on social media.
How do i receive my images?
A selection of the best photos will be made by me and sent to you via a download link.
It is a photoshoot where both parties win. I do a photo session without charging and in exchange you allow me to use the photos. In this way you save the cost of a professional photo session and I can use the photos as a commercial portfolio in the stock photo agencies that I work with.
What collaborations am I looking for?
I am looking for all kinds of different people and businesses who are interested in have images and spend a good time in a photoshoot, no experience is required. My focus is on capturing real everyday life moments and tell a story. I am interested in different kinds of themes such as sports, work, business, lifestyle, family, travel, food and medicine. Feel free to contact me and tell me more about what type of images you have in mind.